Wednesday, 4 June 2014

It's been a while...

Hey everyone, haven't posted anything on here in ages, been trying to get my life sorted and cut toxic people out of my life. I've only just gone back to derby training after getting my health sorted out and finally losing weight, been trying to finish all my homework so i can pass my Certificate 2 in Business which ends next week and I start my Certificate three in Business on friday which is two days away, so I've been cramming the last few days to get it all done.

Monday, 31 March 2014

Ebay Business!

In the last week I have started an ebay business, its pretty exciting, I have already sold a few items check it out : Free Shipping Worldwide :)

Monday, 24 February 2014

Job Shortage!?

Lately I've been thinking
Wow, it's really hard to get a job at the moment, is there some sort of crisis or something
Yesterday I walked into the staff room at Mount Carmel Christian School for lunch break and opened the paper and began to read. I turned a few pages and stumbled upon this article:
1 in 6 Border youth in a jobless underclass
And its not just Albury Wodonga that's suffering, seems to be the whole country as
The nation’s three jobless hotspots are the Tasmanian region taking in Burnie and Devonport (21 per cent), Cairns (20.5 per cent) and northern Adelaide (19.7 per cent).
I honestly hope this is somehow fixed soon as I wouldn't want anyone to be out of a job, not even me

Monday, 17 February 2014

The Wolf of Debauchery

Yesterday I went to watch a movie with a friend at the cinemas, and we ended up walking out because of boredom and the excessive amount of debauchery. I have never seen so much nudity and sex scenes in any other R 18+ film. This movie has been nominated for an oscar for best picture, but why? Is sex, drugs and money the things which people love? Is that the kind of life people aspire to have? I'm not into it, I stay away from drugs and I drink occasionally and I consider myself slightly poor, only because I'm currently unemployed. Im guessing by several of the reviews I've read that I wasn't the only one shocked. One review stated
As much as I enjoyed it, I felt like I needed a shower afterwards
And another said
If there were ever to be a celebration of immorality, outrageousness and complete obscenity, then The Wolf of Wall Street is the party for you.

Thursday, 6 February 2014


I haven't posted in nearly a week, I've been so busy with my course and I've just started volunteering three days a week at my old high school! On Wednesdays I'm helping the year 2/3 class with their reading, on Mondays and Thursdays I'll be in the office learning how to do administration work first hand. Im really glad I got to have this opportunity and i hope that it will help open doors to a job in administration!

Saturday, 1 February 2014

Weight watchers

For the past month I've been on weight watchers simple start plan, I've lost 1.3 so far which is great. I'm no longer subjected to the symptoms of Hashimotos disease as I have been taking my medication every morning for the past three months and im finally on the way to achieving my weight loss goals. By Christmas this year I plan to be 65 kilos, thats a total loss of about 48 kilos and I know I can do it

Thursday, 16 January 2014


After not having a job for three-four months, I'm incredibly bored. I applied for four administration traineeships today, I'm really hoping I get a job soon, as I'm going crazy! Wish me luck :)

Thursday, 9 January 2014

Time to lose weight!

A few days ago I made the decision to join Weight Watchers and start losing weight this year! Now that I'm on medication for my Hashimotos Disease it will be alot easier to lose weight! I;m pretty excited

20 Something Bloggers

I found a great site in the past month for bloggers in their twenties and I have recently joined and I am loving it

Wednesday, 1 January 2014


The future is here in the form of 2014, another year has gone in a flash. What will this year be like? My hopes and dreams are different from the lasr few years. I usually don't want anything to change. This year I want to lose weight, (more than ever!) find a part time or full time job, get a new place, and finish my certificate two in business and start certificate three later on this year. What are your new years resolutions?