Wednesday, 4 June 2014
It's been a while...
Monday, 31 March 2014
Ebay Business!
Monday, 24 February 2014
Job Shortage!?
Wow, it's really hard to get a job at the moment, is there some sort of crisis or somethingYesterday I walked into the staff room at Mount Carmel Christian School for lunch break and opened the paper and began to read. I turned a few pages and stumbled upon this article:
1 in 6 Border youth in a jobless underclassAnd its not just Albury Wodonga that's suffering, seems to be the whole country as
The nation’s three jobless hotspots are the Tasmanian region taking in Burnie and Devonport (21 per cent), Cairns (20.5 per cent) and northern Adelaide (19.7 per cent).I honestly hope this is somehow fixed soon as I wouldn't want anyone to be out of a job, not even me
Monday, 17 February 2014
The Wolf of Debauchery
As much as I enjoyed it, I felt like I needed a shower afterwardsAnd another said
If there were ever to be a celebration of immorality, outrageousness and complete obscenity, then The Wolf of Wall Street is the party for you.
Thursday, 6 February 2014
Saturday, 1 February 2014
Weight watchers
For the past month I've been on weight watchers simple start plan, I've lost 1.3 so far which is great. I'm no longer subjected to the symptoms of Hashimotos disease as I have been taking my medication every morning for the past three months and im finally on the way to achieving my weight loss goals. By Christmas this year I plan to be 65 kilos, thats a total loss of about 48 kilos and I know I can do it
Thursday, 16 January 2014
Thursday, 9 January 2014
Time to lose weight!
20 Something Bloggers
Wednesday, 1 January 2014
The future is here in the form of 2014, another year has gone in a flash. What will this year be like? My hopes and dreams are different from the lasr few years. I usually don't want anything to change. This year I want to lose weight, (more than ever!) find a part time or full time job, get a new place, and finish my certificate two in business and start certificate three later on this year. What are your new years resolutions?